HIDS 60138

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Rule 1
Status Active
Alert Message Webserver event



[edit] Description

Webserver logged 413, request entity too large.

[edit] What you should do

Typically this means the WAF or application rejected a request based on a size constraint. Investigate this alert and see if this is running into a size constraint limit legitimately

[edit] Troubleshooting

[edit] False Positives

There are no false positives with this rule.

[edit] Tuning Guidance

There is no guidance for tuning this rule, this is a generic event and the rule should not be disabled.

[edit] Additional Information

[edit] Support

If you are unsure about how to respond to this alert, please contact Atomicorp support. We're here to help you!

[edit] Similar Rules


[edit] Knowledge Base Articles


[edit] Outside References


[edit] Notes

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