ASL Release Schedule

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Revision as of 12:42, 26 March 2010 by Scott (Talk | contribs)

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Current Release is: 2.2.5

Next Release is: 2.2.6

  • Dazuko real-time clamav integration

Major Tasks in progress

  • Module Research & Development

General Projects

Screenshots of what we now call "Atomic-Scanner"

Atomic Scanner showing individual user settings

Atomic Scanner stats page

Atomic Scanner stats page part 2

Feature Candidates

AtomiCommunity - RBL/Reputation based system to share/use attack/spammer data with ASL community.

AtomiRBL - Local RBL functionality - to share attack data with trusted nodes (Your boxes basically)

Add vendor updates to vulnerability checks (ie, did you update your box?). This is a major expansion to the vulnerability checks on the system. Orders of magnitude larger

Enterprise Auditing Shell support. This tracks commands from shell accounts and allows you to replay what happened. Kind of like a tivo.

Expand Active Response blocklist to collect the specific attack event, instead of just the OSSEC rule ID.

Firewall gui

Personal tools