WAF 390587

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Rule ID



Active rule currently published.

Alert Message

Atomicorp.com WAF Rules: Possible Data leakage - attempt to access backup file (disable this rule if you require access to files that end with .swp)


This rule detects if a file that ends in the .swp extension, and other variants. Some applications use the .swp extension when creating files that store temporary or backup files. Sensitive information is often stored in such temporary files, such as database passwords and other sensitive information when developers work on web files, such as .php, .cgi, .asp and other languages where an attacker can not view the source of those files. Attackers regularly scan for these files to steal credentials that then use to break into systems. This is one of the easier methods for penetrating systems, which is why it so popular with attackers.

False Positives

A false positive can occur when you need to access a file with .swp extension.

It is not recommended that you disable this rule if you have a false positive. If you believe this is a false positive, please report this to our security team to determine if this is a legitimate case, or if its clever attack on your system. Instructions to report false positives are detailed on the Reporting False Positives wiki page. If it is a false positive, we will fix the issue in the rules and get a release out to you promptly.

Tuning Guidance

If you know that this behavior is acceptable for your application, you can tune it by identifying the argument that is being triggered, and specifically allowing that argument for that application to allow a URL. Please see the Tuning the Atomicorp WAF Rules page for basic information.

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