Vuln php ftp exec

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PHP function ftp_exec() allows an attacker to execute shell commands through php

This function allows the execution of FTP file transfers via PHP. This protocol allows file transfers from inside the application. This may expose your system to malicious software being downloaded on the system.

Next Steps

If this risk is unacceptable for your system, then you will want to disable this capability in PHP.

Step 1: Log into the ASL GUI, click on Configuration and select the ASL configuration menu option. This will open the ASL configuration screen.

Step 2: Scroll down to PHP_CHECKS and make sure this is set to "yes". By default ASL will only warn about PHP vulnerabilities. If you set this to yes, it will also fix these vulnerabilities. If this is set to "no" the next step will not work, so set this to "yes".

Step 3: Scroll down to ALLOW_ftp_exec and set this to "no".

Step 4: Click the "update" button.

This will resolve this vulnerability.

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