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PHP 5.2.x installation

To upgrade to PHP 5.2.3 on CentOS4, while running php-4.3.x:

Step 1) Set up the atomic channel: wget -q -O - |sh

Step 2) Upgrade to php5.2.x

yum install php-pear

Step 3) Replace the PHP 4 ini with PHP 5.2.x's (if applicable)

mv /etc/php.ini.rpmnew /etc/php.ini

Step 4) Replace the php.conf with the PHP 5.2 php.conf (if applicable)

 mv /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf.rpmnew /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf


1) Source code installations of extensions, like Ioncube loader, or other extensions that have to be updated

2) php.ini settings, like memory_limit

3) execstack -c on any extensions that claim to need an executible stack (ASL users only)

Known Issues

VPS and RHEL users, If you dont use the atomic installer, you're going to miss some dependencies, like sqlite3. Have fun with that!

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