ASL Troubleshooting

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ASL Troubleshooting



Frequently Asked Questions

Please see the ASL FAQ page.

Specific issues

Install failed

Please review the entire output of the installer. If the installer encounters an issue it can not resolve it will report that. These are the most common errors users report to us for installation failures, and their solutions:

HTTP Error 401: Authorization Required

See this FAQ:

The requested URL returned error: 401

See this FAQ:

HTTP Error 401: Authorization Required Trying other mirror.

See this FAQ

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Authorization Required

See this FAQ

Error: Your Username/Password is incorrect, or your account has Expired.

See this FAQ [

Processing Conflict: mysql conflicts MySQL

This means that someone has replaced MySQL on your system with a third party unsupported version of MySQL. Please see the ASL pre-requisites for supported versions of MySQL:

If you see none of these errors

If the ASL install failed, and none of these errors were reported, please send us the full output of the installer. We will need that information to assist you. If you have lost that information, please run the ASL installer again and send us the full output of the installer. It is safe to run the installer multiple times, and there is no need to uninstall anything.

Can't connect to Web GUI on port 30000

If you are unable to connect to the ASL GUI this can be caused by any number of factors, the service could be down, a firewall could be blocking the connection, an issue exists with the client, etc. To assist with the process of troubleshooting these we have put together this check list. Please run through each step.

Note: Run all of the commands in the steps below as the root user. Do not use sudo.

Step 1: Ensure that you have your system configured for ASL

Please make sure your system meets and is configured correctly for all the pre-requistes for ASL. These are documented on the ASL_prerequisites page.

Step 2: Check to make sure the ASL GUI is installed

Run this command as root:

rpm -qa | grep asl-web

If the ASL GUI is installed, you will see output similar to this:

[root@host ~]# rpm -qa | grep asl-web

If the ASL GUI is not installed, you will see output similar to this:

[root@host ~]# rpm -qa | grep asl-web
[root@host ~]#

To install the ASL gui, run this command as root:

wget -q -O - |sh

This will re-run the installer. It is safe to run the installer over an existing installation. Please check the installer output for any error messages. Generally the web console is not installed either because it was not selected for installation, or because a core dependency for the web console is missing from your system. The most common problem is attempting to install ASL on systems with third party un-supported versions of mysql. Please be sure to check the Supported Versions of Mysql pre-requisites page if the installer is reporting errors with mysql packages.

Step 3: Check to make sure all ASL updates are installed

First, check to make sure a third party product has not excluded any ASL packages from installation or upgrade. You will want to check your /etc/yum.conf file to make sure it is not globally excluding things incorrectly. For example, some third party products that do not use software and package management will try to exclude the systems PHP packages from install/upgrade by incorrectly using a regular expression such as "php*" or "*php*". Disable all excludes.

Run these commands as root:

    aum -u
    yum -y upgrade --disableexcludes=all asl asl-web ossec-hids asl-php*
    asl -s -f

Step 4: Check that the GUI service is running

As root, run this command:

ps auxwww | grep tortixd

If the service is running, you should any output similar to this (details will vary for your system):

tortix    8732  0.0  0.0 220008   148 ?        S    May19   0:00 /var/asl/usr/sbin/tortixd
root     11227  0.0  0.0  61252   836 pts/10   S+   15:24   0:00 grep tortixd
root     16369  0.0  0.0 219872   200 ?        Ss   Apr15   2:21 /var/asl/usr/sbin/tortixd
tortix   22527  0.0  0.0 220992   188 ?        S    May09   0:01 /var/asl/usr/sbin/tortixd
tortix   22747  0.0  0.0 221232   188 ?        S    May09   0:01 /var/asl/usr/sbin/tortixd
tortix   22819  0.0  0.0 221492   192 ?        S    May09   0:01 /var/asl/usr/sbin/tortixd
tortix   24961  0.0  0.0 220988   192 ?        S    May09   0:00 /var/asl/usr/sbin/tortixd

If you do not see the "/var/asl/usr/sbin/tortixd" process running as the tortix user, then the ASL web console server is not running.

If the service is not running, you can start it with this command:

/etc/init.d/tortixd start

If you are missing that file, and you installed ASL using the ASL 3.0 installer, you may have told the installer not to install the GUI or someone may have removed this part of ASL from your system. Please re-run the ASL installer and reinstall ASL. The ASL installer is the best tool for installing ASL completely. Instructions for installing ASL are available on this page: ASL_installation.

If the GUI starts correctly you should see this:

Starting tortixd:                                          [  OK  ]

If you get this error:

Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address

Continue to step 5 below.

If you get any other message or error, please check to make sure your system is up to date by using yum to update your system. If you do not keep your system up to date you may need to install many updates that are not related to ASL. We always recommend you keep up with your vendors updates as many of them fix critical security vulnerabilities and to check with your OS vendors and any third party vendors to ensure these updates will work with your OS and third party products. To upgrade your entire system you would run these commands as root:

yum upgrade

asl -s -f

NOTE: If your system is a non-standard hybrid, such as a partial FC 11/12 system or a beta release of a distribution - that configuration is not supported. We can not test hybrids and only support standard releases, so make sure you are running on a supported distribution.

If you still are getting an error starting tortixd, please send us this information:

  1. The output of the command "/etc/init.d/tortixd start"
  2. The output of this command "cat /etc/redhat-release"
  3. Send this file /var/log/httpd/asl_error_log
  4. And this file /var/log/httpd/asl_ssl_error_log

Step 5: Make sure you dont have something else listening on port 30000

netstat -anp | grep tortixd | grep 30000

and you should see an output similar to this:

tcp 0 0 :::30000 :::* LISTEN 3547/tortixd

If you do not see the tortixd service listening on port 30000, and see something else listening on that port you will need to disable this other application. Please contact the vendor for that application for assistance with disabling their software.

If you do see tortixd listening on port 30000, and you got this error in step 4:

Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:30000

Or this error:

Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address

Restart the tortixd service by running these two commands as root:

service tortixd stop

Note: If you do not get tortixd to stop, run this command as root:

killall -9 tortixd

Once tortixd is stopped, restart tortixd by running this command as root:

service tortixd start

If tortixd starts correctly, you will see this output:

Starting tortixd:                                          [  OK  ]

If you do not get tortixd to start, continue this troubleshooting process.

Step 6: Check your firewall rules

If you are using any third party firewall management tools, uninstall them and if you can not uninstall them disable them. You will also want to make sure you do not have any pre-existing firewall rules on your system. This is the most common cause of firewall related issues: pre-existing firewall rules.

Step 6a: Check to see if you have any firewall rules

Run this command as the root user (not via sudo):

iptables -L -n

If you see this:

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination

You have no firewall rules. The problem is not caused by the firewall on your server, continue to step 7.

Step 6b: Check to see if there are third-party firewall rules that are causing a conflict

By default ASL will generate firewall rules that look like this:

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination         
ASL-GEO-BLACKLIST  all  --             
ASL-BLACKLIST  all  --             
ASL-SMALLPACKETS  ah   --             length 0:35 
ASL-SMALLPACKETS  esp  --             length 0:49 
ASL-SMALLPACKETS  47   --             length 0:39 
ASL-SMALLPACKETS  30   --             length 0:31 
ASL-SMALLPACKETS  icmp --             length 0:27 
ASL-SMALLPACKETS  tcp  --             length 0:39 
ASL-SMALLPACKETS  udp  --             length 0:27 
ASL-BADPACKETS  tcp  --             tcp option=128 
ASL-BADPACKETS  tcp  --             tcp option=64 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x3F/0x37 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x3F/0x2B 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x3F/0x29 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x3F/0x1A 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x3F/0x0A 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x3F/0x0D 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x3F/0x1C 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x3F/0x03 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x3F/0x00 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x3F/0x3F 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x3F/0x3F 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x3F/0x00 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x3F/0x01 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x3F/0x29 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x29/0x29 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x22/0x22 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x11/0x01 
ASL-FRAGMENTS  all  -f             
DROP       all  --             state INVALID 
ASL-TORTIXD-ACL  tcp  --             tcp dpt:30000 state NEW 

All rules in the INPUT chain should start with the word "ASL", as in the example above, with the exception of the INVALID rule:

DROP all -- state INVALID

If you see any rules that do not contain the word "ASL" then you have some third party firewall management product that has modified your firewall rules, or policy defaults. You must remove this product from your system as described in the ASL installation pre-requisites page:

Please contact the developers of this software for assistance removing it. Once you've removed this product you will want to follow Step 6d below to remove any saved rules from your system and reset your firewall to the ASL defaults.

Step 6c: Check to make sure you dont have your servers IP addresses blocked in your firewall

Note: If you are using a third party firewall tool, you will need to check with the developers of that application to see if its blocking your servers IP. These instructions will only tell you if ASL is currently blocking your servers IPs.

Run this command script as the root user:

for ip in `ifconfig -a | grep inet | awk -F: '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}'`; do iptables -L -n |grep $ip | grep ASL-ACTIVE-RESPONSE; done

If you do not see any output then ASL is not blocking your servers IPs.

If you get an output similar to this:


When is one of your servers IP addresses, then you have not whitelisted your servers IP address in ASL.

Please see this FAQ for instructions about how to whitelist an IP, CIDR or set of IP addresses:

Step 6d: Check to see if there are any ASL generated firewall rules that are causing a conflict

The quickest way to detetermine if your ASL firewall rules are causing an issue is to flush all your firewall rules:

/etc/init.d/asl-firewall stop

If your firewall rules are flushed, you should see this:

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination         

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination         

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination         

If you see anything other than this, you have some third party firewall management product that has modified your firewall rules, or policy defaults. Please contact the developers of this software for assistance removing it, and restoring your firewall policy defaults.

If you are now able to connect, you had a firewall rule problem. If an ASL generated firewall rule caused this issue it will log this. Check your system logs for any ASL generated firewall rules, and your IP address. Run this command as root, replacing with your IP address.

grep ASL /var/log/messages | grep

If you do not see any log events then an ASL generated rule has not caused this issue.

If you do see an ASL event, please check the ASL FAQ for which feature is causing this condition.

If you still can not connect, the problem is not caused by the firewall rules on your server, continue to step 7.

Step 6e: Reset your firewall rules

If you have been making modifications to your firewall with the ASL firewall manager, you can reset your firewall rules to the defaults by running these commands as the root user (not via sudo):

cp /etc/asl/firewall/running.fw /root

rm /etc/asl/firewall/running.fw

asl -s -f

If you can now connect, then you had configured a firewall rule or rules that were blocking you from accessing the web console. Please see the ASL_firewall for documentation on how to use the ASL firewall manager.

If you still can not connect, the servers firewall is not the cause of your issue, continue to step 7.

NOTE: You can restore your custom firewall rules, only if you used the commands above to clear your firewall rules by running these commands as the root user:

cp /root/running.fw /etc/asl/firewall/running.fw

asl -s -f

Step 7: Run up a sniffer to make sure the problem is not upstream

Note: Make sure you set "eth0" below to the interface that has the IP address assigned to it that you are going to test. If you tell the sniffer to watch a different interface, you will not see the traffic.

You may need to install a sniffer on your system. One sniffer that most Linux distributions include is wireshark another is tcpdump.

sniffer option 1: wireshark

If you do not have it already installed, this command may help you to install it. You will want to run this command as root:

yum -y install wireshark

On some patforms, the command to run wireshark is "tethereal" on others it is "tshark". Please try both commands. If these do not work for you, please contact your OS vendor for assistance installing a sniffer on your system.

tethereal -i eth0 port 30000

If you do not have tethereal installed, please try these commands:

yum install tethereal


yum install wireshark

If you can not install tethereal, see the "tcpdump" example that follows the tethereal example:

tethereal example:

If you have no problems upstream, you will something like this:

Capturing on eth0
0.000000 -> TCP 46910 > 30000 [SYN] Seq=0 Win=5840 Len=0 MSS=1460 TSV=690440808 TSER=0 WS=7
0.000055 -> TCP 30000 > 46910 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=5792 Len=0 MSS=1460 TSV=491123062 TSER=690440808 WS=7
0.047190 -> TCP 46910 > 30000 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=5888 Len=0 TSV=690440854 TSER=491123062
0.048117 -> TCP 46910 > 30000 [PSH, ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=5888 Len=114 TSV=690440855 TSER=491123062
0.048149 -> TCP 30000 > 46910 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=115 Win=5888 Len=0 TSV=491123074 TSER=690440855
0.403626 -> TCP 30000 > 46910 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=115 Win=5888 Len=1448 TSV=491123163 TSER=690440855
0.403646 -> TCP 30000 > 46910 [PSH, ACK] Seq=1449 Ack=115 Win=5888 Len=159 TSV=491123163 TSER=690440855
0.452383 -> TCP 46910 > 30000 [ACK] Seq=115 Ack=1449 Win=8832 Len=0 TSV=690441260 TSER=491123163
0.454911 -> TCP 46910 > 30000 [ACK] Seq=115 Ack=1608 Win=11648 Len=0 TSV=690441262 TSER=491123163
0.455637 -> TCP 46910 > 30000 [PSH, ACK] Seq=115 Ack=1608 Win=11648 Len=198 TSV=690441263 TSER=491123163
0.455652 -> TCP 30000 > 46910 [ACK] Seq=1608 Ack=313 Win=6912 Len=0 TSV=491123176 TSER=690441263
0.457887 -> TCP 30000 > 46910 [PSH, ACK] Seq=1608 Ack=313 Win=6912 Len=59 TSV=491123176 TSER=690441263
0.508890 -> TCP 46910 > 30000 [PSH, ACK] Seq=313 Ack=1667 Win=11648 Len=565 TSV=690441315 TSER=491123176
0.547198 -> TCP 30000 > 46910 [ACK] Seq=1667 Ack=878 Win=8064 Len=0 TSV=491123199 TSER=690441315
1.895139 -> TCP 30000 > 46910 [ACK] Seq=1667 Ack=878 Win=8064 Len=1448 TSV=491123535 TSER=690441315
1.895160 -> TCP 30000 > 46910 [PSH, ACK] Seq=3115 Ack=878 Win=8064 Len=1042 TSV=491123535 TSER=690441315
1.947302 -> TCP 46910 > 30000 [ACK] Seq=878 Ack=4157 Win=17536 Len=0 TSV=690442755 TSER=491123535
1.947693 -> TCP 46910 > 30000 [PSH, ACK] Seq=878 Ack=4157 Win=17536 Len=37 TSV=690442755 TSER=491123535
1.947715 -> TCP 30000 > 46910 [ACK] Seq=4157 Ack=915 Win=8064 Len=0 TSV=491123549 TSER=690442755
1.948027 -> TCP 46910 > 30000 [FIN, ACK] Seq=915 Ack=4157 Win=17536 Len=0 TSV=690442755 TSER=491123535
1.949539 -> TCP 30000 > 46910 [PSH, ACK] Seq=4157 Ack=916 Win=8064 Len=37 TSV=491123549 TSER=690442755
1.949610 -> TCP 30000 > 46910 [FIN, ACK] Seq=4194 Ack=916 Win=8064 Len=0 TSV=491123549 TSER=690442755
1.997338 -> TCP 46910 > 30000 [RST] Seq=916 Win=0 Len=0

sniffer option 2: tcpdump

If you do not have wireshark available for your platform, most OS vendors will include tcpdump by default. If tcpdump is not installed on your system, please run this command as root to install it:

yum -y install tcpdump

If this does not work for your OS, please contact your OS vendor for assistance installing a sniffer.

tcpdump example:

If you have no problems upstream, you will see something like this: is your client is your server

10:34:26.227472 IP > S 3615766533:3615766533(0) win 5840 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 771590282 0,nop,wscale 7>
10:34:26.227514 IP > S 1843855213:1843855213(0) ack 3615766534 win 5792 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 511410428 771590282,nop,wscale 7>
10:34:26.274981 IP > . ack 1 win 46 <nop,nop,timestamp 771590329 511410428>
10:34:26.275774 IP > P 1:147(146) ack 1 win 46 <nop,nop,timestamp 771590330 511410428>
10:34:26.275806 IP > . ack 147 win 54 <nop,nop,timestamp 511410440 771590330>
10:34:26.276150 IP > P 1:139(138) ack 147 win 54 <nop,nop,timestamp 511410440 771590330>
10:34:26.327459 IP > . ack 139 win 54 <nop,nop,timestamp 771590382 511410440>
10:34:26.329933 IP > P 147:723(576) ack 139 win 54 <nop,nop,timestamp 771590383 511410440>
10:34:26.369824 IP > . ack 723 win 63 <nop,nop,timestamp 511410464 771590383>
10:34:26.518491 IP > . 139:1587(1448) ack 723 win 63 <nop,nop,timestamp 511410501 771590383>
10:34:26.518514 IP > P 1587:2629(1042) ack 723 win 63 <nop,nop,timestamp 511410501 771590383>
10:34:26.518619 IP > P 2629:2666(37) ack 723 win 63 <nop,nop,timestamp 511410501 771590383>
10:34:26.518660 IP > F 2666:2666(0) ack 723 win 63 <nop,nop,timestamp 511410501 771590383>
10:34:26.570119 IP > . ack 2629 win 100 <nop,nop,timestamp 771590625 511410501>
10:34:26.570586 IP > P 723:760(37) ack 2667 win 100 <nop,nop,timestamp 771590625 511410501>
10:34:26.570654 IP > . ack 760 win 63 <nop,nop,timestamp 511410514 771590625>
10:34:26.570760 IP > R 760:760(0) ack 2667 win 100 <nop,nop,timestamp 771590625 511410501>
10:34:26.617628 IP > S 3610239263:3610239263(0) win 5840 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 771590673 0,nop,wscale 7>
10:34:26.617660 IP > S 1858764235:1858764235(0) ack 3610239264 win 5792 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 511410525 771590673,nop,wscale 7>
10:34:26.660089 IP > S 3617695320:3617695320(0) win 5840 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 771590715 0,nop,wscale 7>
10:34:26.660111 IP > S 1850303361:1850303361(0) ack 3617695321 win 5792 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 511410536 771590715,nop,wscale 7>
10:34:26.664975 IP > . ack 1 win 46 <nop,nop,timestamp 771590719 511410525>

(and a lot more)

If you dont see a packet exchange, the problem is not with your server - its upstream at some other firewall, or even on your desktop or with your home or office firewall.

If you do see all of this, and still can't connect - you ARE connecting - check your browser to make sure its not breaking on the connection. For example, if you connect with "http" instead of "https", or you are connecting to the wrong port, port 3000 instead of 30000.

Step 8: Check to make sure a third party product has not changed ASL's permissions

Check that the GUI's php's session path:


is owned by 'root:apache' with permissions 770.

The permissions and ownership should be:

drwxrwx--- 2 root apache

Step 9: Check to make sure tortix is in the apache group

Run this command as root:

grep ^apache: /etc/group | grep tortix

If tortix is not in the group, you will get a blank response. For example:

[root@host]# grep ^apache: /etc/group | grep tortix


If tortix is in the group, you will see a response similar to this one:

[root@host]# grep ^apache: /etc/group | grep tortix


Note: The use of add-ons to apache that change the ownership of temporary files and log files, such as mod_ruid2 may break the logging system. These add-ons are not supported with ASL.

If none of this resolves your issue, please contact support. We would be happy to help you resolve this.

Not getting any emails from ASL

If you not getting any emails from ASL this can be cause by any number of factors, your mail server is down, your have spam filtering software thats blocking ASL, you have firewall rules that are blocking the connection, etc. To assist with the process of troubleshooting these we have put together this check list. Please run through each step.

Note: Run all of the commands in the steps below as the root user. Do not use sudo.

Step 1: Ensure that you have your system configured for ASL

Please make sure your system meets and is configured correctly for all the pre-requistes for ASL. These are documented on the ASL_prerequisites page.

Step 2: Check to make sure the ASL is installed

Run this command as root:

asl -v

If the ASL is installed, you will see output similar to this:

ASL Version CentOS 5 (SUPPORTED) 

If the ASL is not installed, you will see output similar to this:

bash: asl: command not found...

If ASL is not installed, please see the ASL_installation page for instructions to install ASL.

Step 3: Check to make sure all ASL updates are installed

First, check to make sure a third party product has not excluded any ASL packages from installation or upgrade. You will want to check your /etc/yum.conf file to make sure it is not globally excluding things incorrectly. For example, some third party products that do not use software and package management will try to exclude the systems PHP packages from install/upgrade by incorrectly using a regular expression such as "php*" or "*php*". Disable all excludes.

Run these commands as root:

aum -uf

yum -y upgrade --disableexcludes=all asl asl-web asl-php*

asl -s -f

Step 4: Check to make sure OSSEC is working correctly

Run this command as root:

ps auxwww | grep ossec

You should see an output similar to this:

root      3192  0.0  0.0  50352   112 ?        S    Jun25   0:01 /var/ossec/bin/ossec-execd
ossecm   19622  0.0  0.0  91360   668 ?        S    Aug04   0:10 /var/ossec/bin/ossec-dbd
ossecm   19627  0.0  0.0  24520   352 ?        S    Aug04   0:04 /var/ossec/bin/ossec-maild
ossec    19637  1.5  0.6  47176  6424 ?        S    Aug04 215:45 /var/ossec/bin/ossec-analysisd
root     19641  0.0  0.0  38600   364 ?        S    Aug04   0:44 /var/ossec/bin/ossec-logcollector
root     19652  0.1  1.7  99032 17852 ?        S    Aug04  26:48 /var/ossec/bin/ossec-syscheckd
ossec    19654  0.0  0.0  61520   364 ?        S    Aug04   0:00 /var/ossec/bin/ossec-monitord

If everything is working correctly, you should see all of these processes running:

  • ossec-execd
  • ossec-dbd
  • ossec-maild
  • ossec-analysisd
  • ossec-logcollector
  • ossec-syscheckd
  • ossec-monitord

If any of these processes are not running, please try restarting ossec-hids by running this command as root:

service ossec-hids restart

If OSSEC is not starting, or some of these services are not starting, please see this article for additional system checks to perform to find the root cause of this condition and solutions to apply to address them:

Step 5: Check your email settings in ASL

Step 5a =

Ensure that you have these settings set to your email address, and that this email address is valid and that your server can resolve the domain:

Step 5b: check to ensure the domain resolves to a working mail server

Check your server to ensure it can resolve the domain name, and that what its resolving to is the correct server. For example, if your email address was, on your server you would check to ensure your server can resolve that domain with this command:

host -t mx

Replace "" with the domainname you used in those settings. For example, if you set EMAIL to ", your domainname is "" and you would test that your server can resolve that domain name with this command:

host -t mx

If your server can resolve the domain name you will see output similar to this:

host -t mx mail is handled by 10

If your server can not resolve the domain name you will see output similar to this:

host -t mx has no MX record

Step 5c: Check to ensure your server can resolve the mail servers IP address =

Then check to make sure your server can resolve the mail servers IP address. For example, in the above the mail servers name is "". You will need to ensure that this resolves on your server, which this command:



Non-authoritative answer:

And then you would need to ensure the IP address returned is in fact the correct IP address to send email to. If that is not correct you will need to fix your DNS server(s) to return the correct IP address. Please contact your DNS vendor for assistance with configuring your DNS server. If your server can not resolve domain name, contact your DNS vendor for assistance.

Step 6: Ensure that you have OSSEC configured to send emails

This setting:

Must be set to yes.

And make sure this setting:

Is set to 0. This will allow ASL to send emails as they occur. If you put a number in this field, that will enable digest mode which will cause ASL to hold emails if the maximum number of emails per hour has been exceeded. We recommend you set this to "0".

Step 7: Ensure that OSSEC is enabled

This must be set to yes:

Step 8: Ensure that OSSEC set to server mode

OSSEC will only send emails if it is set to "server" mode:

Step 9: Ensure the SMTP server is correct

Step 9a

This setting:

Tells OSSEC what server to use to send email. This server must allow OSSEC to send email. Normally this would be the server itself, and you would use the IP address You must be running a mail server on your server to use, and it must be configured correctly. Please contact your mail server vendor for assistance with configuring a mail server.

Note: If you use a hostname, and not an IP address, you must ensure that your server can correctly resolve this IP address. The OS will do the resolution, so if your system is unable to determine the IP address for your OSSEC_SMTP_SERVER, contact your OS and DNS vendors for assistance. That means something is wrong with their your DNS or OS.

You can test to see if you can connect to your mail server with the command "telnet", in the example below we will connect to the mailserver. Only port 25 is supported with OSSEC.

telnet 25

telnet 25
Connected to localhost.localdomain (
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ESMTP Postfix

If your mail sever is listening on that IP address you will see something similar to this:

If you do not see something similar to this, then your mail server is not running on that IP address, or you can not connect to that IP on that port.

Step 9b

Check to make sure you have a mail server running on that system. If you are using as your mail server, you can run this command as root to see if you have a mail server running on your local system:

netstat -an | grep LISTEN | grep :25

If you have a local mail server running you will see output similar to this:

If you do not, then you do not have a local mail server running. Please contact your mail server vendor for assistance setting up a mail server, or use a remote mail server that will accept email from your server.

If you do have a mail server running locally, and you can not connect to it, please proceed to Step 10 to check your firewall rules.

If you have a remote mail server, please proceed to Step 10.

Step 10: Check your firewall rules

If you are using any third party firewall management tools, uninstall them and if you can not uninstall them disable them. You will also want to make sure you do not have any pre-existing firewall rules on your system. This is the most common cause of firewall related issues: pre-existing firewall rules.

Step 10a: Check to see if you have any firewall rules

Run this command as the root user (not via sudo):

iptables -L -n

If you see this:

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination

You have no firewall rules. The problem is not caused by the firewall on your server, continue to step 7.

Step 10b: Check to see if there are third-party firewall rules that are causing a conflict

By default ASL will generate firewall rules that look like this:

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination         
ASL-GEO-BLACKLIST  all  --             
ASL-BLACKLIST  all  --             
ASL-SMALLPACKETS  ah   --             length 0:35 
ASL-SMALLPACKETS  esp  --             length 0:49 
ASL-SMALLPACKETS  47   --             length 0:39 
ASL-SMALLPACKETS  30   --             length 0:31 
ASL-SMALLPACKETS  icmp --             length 0:27 
ASL-SMALLPACKETS  tcp  --             length 0:39 
ASL-SMALLPACKETS  udp  --             length 0:27 
ASL-BADPACKETS  tcp  --             tcp option=128 
ASL-BADPACKETS  tcp  --             tcp option=64 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x3F/0x37 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x3F/0x2B 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x3F/0x29 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x3F/0x1A 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x3F/0x0A 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x3F/0x0D 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x3F/0x1C 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x3F/0x03 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x3F/0x00 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x3F/0x3F 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x3F/0x3F 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x3F/0x00 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x3F/0x01 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x3F/0x29 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x29/0x29 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x22/0x22 
ASL-PORTSCAN  tcp  --             tcp flags:0x11/0x01 
ASL-FRAGMENTS  all  -f             
DROP       all  --             state INVALID 
ASL-TORTIXD-ACL  tcp  --             tcp dpt:30000 state NEW 

All rules in the INPUT chain should start with the word "ASL", as in the example above, with the exception of the INVALID rule:

DROP all -- state INVALID

If you see any rules that do not contain the word "ASL" then you have some third party firewall management product that has modified your firewall rules, or policy defaults. You must remove this product from your system as described in the ASL installation pre-requisites page:

Please contact the developers of this software for assistance removing it. Once you've removed this product you will want to follow Step 6d below to remove any saved rules from your system and reset your firewall to the ASL defaults.

Step 10c: Check to make sure you dont have your servers IP addresses blocked in your firewall

Note: If you are using a third party firewall tool, you will need to check with the developers of that application to see if its blocking your servers IP. These instructions will only tell you if ASL is currently blocking your servers IPs.

Run this command script as the root user:

for ip in `ifconfig -a | grep inet | awk -F: '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}'`; do iptables -L -n |grep $ip | grep ASL-ACTIVE-RESPONSE; done

If you do not see any output then ASL is not blocking your servers IPs.

If you get an output similar to this:


When is one of your servers IP addresses, then you have not whitelisted your servers IP address in ASL.

Please see this FAQ for instructions about how to whitelist an IP, CIDR or set of IP addresses:

Step 10d: Check to see if there are any ASL generated firewall rules that are causing a conflict

The quickest way to detetermine if your ASL firewall rules are causing an issue is to flush all your firewall rules:

/etc/init.d/asl-firewall stop

If your firewall rules are flushed, you should see this:

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination         

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination         

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination         

If you see anything other than this, you have some third party firewall management product that has modified your firewall rules, or policy defaults. Please contact the developers of this software for assistance removing it, and restoring your firewall policy defaults.

If you are now able to connect, you had a firewall rule problem. If an ASL generated firewall rule caused this issue it will log this. Check your system logs for any ASL generated firewall rules, and your IP address. Run this command as root, replacing with your IP address.

grep ASL /var/log/messages | grep

If you do not see any log events then an ASL generated rule has not caused this issue.

If you do see an ASL event, please check the ASL FAQ for which feature is causing this condition.

If you still can not connect, the problem is not caused by the firewall rules on your server, continue to step 11.

Step 10e: Reset your firewall rules

If you have been making modifications to your firewall with the ASL firewall manager, you can reset your firewall rules to the defaults by running these commands as the root user (not via sudo):

cp /etc/asl/firewall/running.fw /root

rm /etc/asl/firewall/running.fw

asl -s -f

If you can now connect, then you had configured a firewall rule or rules that were blocking you from accessing the web console. Please see the ASL_firewall for documentation on how to use the ASL firewall manager.

If you still can not connect, the servers firewall is not the cause of your issue, continue to step 7.

NOTE: You can restore your custom firewall rules, only if you used the commands above to clear your firewall rules by running these commands as the root user:

cp /root/running.fw /etc/asl/firewall/running.fw

asl -s -f

Step 10f: Send a test email

If you have confirmed your firewall rules are not blocking you from sending email to your mail server, send a test email using the method below:

1) Connect to the mail server, change to the IP address of your server

telnet 25

2) The server will respond with something similar to this:

Connected to localhost.localdomain (
Escape character is '^]'.
220 server ESMTP Postfix

If you do not get a response, then there is a problem with your network, please proceed to step 11.

If you do get a response, please continue with 3 below.

3) Send the "helo" response with your servers name, for example if your servers name is send this:


4) The server will respond with this, if it does not, contact your mail server vendor for assistance your mail server is not setup correctly:

250 yourmailserversnames

5) Send the mail from line using the setting you configured in the OSSEC_FROM setting.

mail from:

6) If your mail server is setup correctly it will respond with the below, if it doesnt not contact your mail server vendor for assistance your mail server is not setup correctly:

250 2.1.0 Ok

7) Send the rcpt to line using the setting you configured in the OSSEC_EMAIL setting.

rcpt to:

8) If your mail server is setup correctly it will respond with the below, if it doesnt not contact your mail server vendor for assistance your mail server is not setup correctly:

250 2.1.5 Ok

9) Then send a quick test message, first type "data" and hit enter:


10) If your mail server is setup correctly it will respond with a similiar response to the below, if it doesnt not contact your nail server vendor for assistance your mail server is not setup correctly:

354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>

11) Type in a quick test message

test message

12) And then on a new line type . and hit enter as below:


13) If your mail server is setup correctly it will respond with a similiar response to the below, if it doesnt not contact your nail server vendor for assistance your mail server is not setup correctly:

250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as D5D6A10D8112

Then type "quit" to log out of your mail server.

If you got a similar message as above, ASL is able to send mail to your mail server. If you do not get this email, check your mail servers logs and your antispam settings, as this means your mail server is not sending these emails to your email address. Contact your nail server vendor for assistance your mail server is not setup correctly.

Step 11: Run up a sniffer to make sure the problem is not upstream

Note: Make sure you set "eth0" below to the interface that has the IP address assigned to it that you are going to test. If you tell the sniffer to watch a different interface, you will not see the traffic.

You may need to install a sniffer on your system. One sniffer that most Linux distributions include is wireshark another is tcpdump.

sniffer option 1: wireshark

If you do not have it already installed, this command may help you to install it. You will want to run this command as root:

yum -y install wireshark

On some patforms, the command to run wireshark is "tethereal" on others it is "tshark". Please try both commands. If these do not work for you, please contact your OS vendor for assistance installing a sniffer on your system.

Note: change to the IP address for your mailserver. If your mailserver is, then change -i eth0 to -i lo.

tethereal -i eth0 port 25 and hostname

If you do not have tethereal installed, please try these commands:

yum install tethereal


yum install wireshark

If you can not install tethereal, see the "tcpdump" example that follows the tethereal example:

tethereal example:

If you have no problems upstream, you will something like this:

  0.000000 ->    TCP 50849 > smtp [SYN] Seq=0 Win=32792 Len=0 MSS=16396 TSV=596718574 TSER=0 WS=8
  0.000014 ->    TCP smtp > 50849 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=32768 Len=0 MSS=16396 TSV=596718574 TSER=596718574 WS=8
  0.000025 ->    TCP 50849 > smtp [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=33024 Len=0 TSV=596718574 TSER=596718574
  0.176700 ->    SMTP S: 220 yourserversname ESMTP Postfix
  0.176713 ->    TCP 50849 > smtp [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=40 Win=33024 Len=0 TSV=596718751 TSER=596718751

sniffer option 2: tcpdump

If you do not have wireshark available for your platform, most OS vendors will include tcpdump by default. If tcpdump is not installed on your system, please run this command as root to install it:

yum -y install tcpdump

If this does not work for your OS, please contact your OS vendor for assistance installing a sniffer.

tcpdump example:

If you have no problems upstream, you will see something like this: is your client is your server

tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on lo, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 96 bytes
13:06:11.808773 IP > S 3226807163:3226807163(0) win 32792 <mss 16396,sackOK,timestamp 597368964 0,nop,wscale 8>
13:06:11.808790 IP > S 3784740604:3784740604(0) ack 3226807164 win 32768 <mss 16396,sackOK,timestamp 597368964 597368964,nop,wscale 8>
13:06:11.808801 IP > . ack 1 win 129 <nop,nop,timestamp 597368964 597368964>
13:06:11.950623 IP > P 1:40(39) ack 1 win 128 <nop,nop,timestamp 597369106 597368964>
13:06:11.950636 IP > . ack 40 win 129 <nop,nop,timestamp 597369106 597369106>

(and a lot more)

Step 12

If you dont see a packet exchange, the problem is with your server itself. Either your mail server does not accept connections, you have an upstream at some other firewall (if you are using a remote mailserver) or you have a network problem that is preventing you from connecting to your mail server. Please contact your mail server vendor for assistance with connections issues with your mailserver.

If everything is working, and you have confirmed that your mail server is listening, and you can successfully send a test message, then check your mail servers logs. This means that ASL is able to send email, and your mail server is just not sending it on your account. Please contact your mail server vendor for assistance with configuring your mail server to send email to your email account.

If you require additional assistance with this issue, please send us the output of all these steps as we will need this information to assist you. Please do not contact us about issues concerning the correct configuration of your mail server. Please contact your mail server vendor for assistance with their products.

ASL web gui not running

Step 1. Check to make sure its installed

rpm -qa | grep tortixd

If you do not see that package installed your system may be missing other components of ASL as well. You should run "yum upgrade" to make sure your system is up to date.

Then run the official ASL installer:

wget -q -O - |sh

Step 2: Start the service

/etc/init.d/tortixd start

Step 3: Follow the steps above in "Can not connect to port 3000" to make sure your firewall and upstream (if any) is configured properly

You can also re-install the web GUI with this command:

 yum reinstall asl-web

Empty Gui

This means that a third party application or a user has misconfigured your ASL directories to prevent tortixd from opening the files it needs to render the GUI.

Check to make sure the permissions on this directory:


Have not been changed. The permissions should be:

drwxrwx--- 2 root apache 4096 Jul 29 14:55 session

In general, if a third party application or user changes these permissions ASL may be able to fix this by running this command:

asl -s -f

The tortix user should also be in the apache group.

usermod -a -G apache tortix

No events in the ASL GUI

Step 1: Test the GUI

First check to make sure the GUI is working. Set the GUI level to 1 so you can see all events. By default the ASL GUI is set to a higher level to filter out lower importance events and to only display attacks and highly supicious events by default. If the ASL GUI is showing lower level events, you may either not have any attacks or suspicious events to report, or you may have disabled or not installed all of ASL protection components.

In that case, send a simple test from the local system, or another system that should be both blocked and logged. This article provides a test example:


Step 2: Check mysql to ensure you do not have a corrupt database

If you have tested to make sure the system is actually blocking the test attack, and are sure that the ASL GUI should be displaying events, and it is not displaying any, check that your database is not corrupt. Mysql is normally configured to log errors to /var/log/mysqld.log. A corrupt database will result in an error in the mysql logs. A typical entry will look like this (this is just an example, please check your logs for any mysql errors and not just the example below):

Table './tortix/alert' is marked as crashed and should be repaired

If you see errors such as these, please see this faq article for links to mysqls procedures for fixing databases.

Some products, such as cpanel, configure mysql to not save logs. Please contact your database vendor if this is your case for advice on how to configure your database server to log errors as you will need to confirm the database is working correctly before moving on to the next step.

Step 3: Check to make sure ASL is up to date

Please see this article to upgrade ASL.

Step 4: make sure mysql is listening on the IP and port you configured

A database that is not listening on a TCP port or the same port that you have configured ASL to use. Check to make sure your MySQL server is listening on port 3306 on the IP address you have configured ASL to use as its database server.

Additionally, a database server that is listening on a different IP address from the one configured for ASL can cause start up errors. Check to make sure your MySQL server is listening on port 3306 on the IP address you have configured ASL to use as its database server.

Please see this setting:

And ensure you can connect to port 3306 on that configured IP or hostname.

Step 5: Check to make sure your rules are up to date

If you have determined that your database does not have any errors, check to make sure your OSSEC rules are up to date. Run these commands as root:

aum -u

asl -s -f

Step 6: Check to make sure OSSEC is working correctly

Run this command as root:

ps auxwww | grep ossec

You should see an output similar to this:

root      3192  0.0  0.0  50352   112 ?        S    Jun25   0:01 /var/ossec/bin/ossec-execd
ossecm   19622  0.0  0.0  91360   668 ?        S    Aug04   0:10 /var/ossec/bin/ossec-dbd
ossecm   19627  0.0  0.0  24520   352 ?        S    Aug04   0:04 /var/ossec/bin/ossec-maild
ossec    19637  1.5  0.6  47176  6424 ?        S    Aug04 215:45 /var/ossec/bin/ossec-analysisd
root     19641  0.0  0.0  38600   364 ?        S    Aug04   0:44 /var/ossec/bin/ossec-logcollector
root     19652  0.1  1.7  99032 17852 ?        S    Aug04  26:48 /var/ossec/bin/ossec-syscheckd
ossec    19654  0.0  0.0  61520   364 ?        S    Aug04   0:00 /var/ossec/bin/ossec-monitord

If everything is working correctly, you should see all of these processes running:

  • ossec-execd
  • ossec-dbd
  • ossec-maild
  • ossec-analysisd
  • ossec-logcollector
  • ossec-syscheckd
  • ossec-monitord

If any of these processes are not running, please try restarting ossec-hids by running this command as root:

service ossec-hids restart

If OSSEC is not starting, or some of these services are not starting, please see this article for additional system checks to perform to find the root cause of this condition and solutions to apply to address them:


FTP not working

If you are using the ASL kernel:

Step 1) Make sure you have port 21 open.

If you are using Fast mode, see this setting:

Step 2) If you are specifically using passive mode

You will need to allow in the range of ports you configured your FTP server to use for passive mode. ASL does not configure any FTP server to use passive mode. This can only happen in someone has manually configured your FTP server to use passive mode. If you are not sure what this means, you probably are not using passive mode.

See this setting:

And set the range of ports you have configured for passive mode. For example, if you have configured proftp to use this range:

PassivePorts 40110 40310

Then you need to add this to your list of open ports you configured in ASL:


Note: If you have setup your own custom rules, and are not using Fast mode, then you will need to review the Firewall documentation at the URL below:

If you still can not access FTP, check to ensure you are not using any third party firewalls, including upstream firewalls which would also be blocking this port, or do not support FTP. If you are using a third party firewall, please contact the vendor for that firewall for assistance.

If you are not using the ASL kernel:

Check to make sure your third party kernel includes the standard Linux FTP tracking modules. All Linux firewalls require special kernel modules to track FTPs data connections (FTP is a very complex protocol), without these modules no Linux firewall will work. These modules have been included with Linux kernels for over a decade, so your kernel should have these kernel modules.

You can check to see if they are loaded with this command run as root:

lsmod | grep ftp

You should see these modules loaded:

nf_nat_ftp nf_conntrack_ftp

If they are not, you can load them with the standard Linux kernel module command:

modprobe nf_nat_ftp modprobe nf_conntrack_ftp

If these commands do not work, please ask your kernel vendor to include the standard Linux FTP modules and for instructions for how to load them. All Linux firewalls require these modules to do support FTP with a firewall.

Reseting to defaults

Step 1) Disable iptables

Do not run the iptables service with ASL. It is redundant and will cause conflicts. Run these commands to disable iptables:

service iptables stop

chkconfig --del iptables

Step 2)

If you have been making modifications to your firewall with the ASL firewall manager, you can reset your firewall rules to the defaults by running these commands as the root user (not via sudo). This will also backup any changes you have made so you can restore them should you determine your rules are not causing your issue.

cp /etc/asl/firewall/running.fw /root

rm /etc/asl/firewall/running.fw

asl -s -f

NOTE: You can restore your custom firewall rules, only if you used the commands above to clear your firewall rules by running these commands as the root user:

cp /root/running.fw /etc/asl/firewall/running.fw

asl -s -f

Third party firewall products

ASL is not supported with third party firewall products. You must remove these products, and remove any firewall rules configured on the system by these tools before installing or using ASL.

Error Messages

Please see the ASL error messages page.



SELinux policies have been known to interfere with some RPM updates. This is because SELinux policies are not always adjusted for modern platforms and third party packages, such as control panels. This can manifest itself in mysterious failures in %pre and %post macros (confirmed on RHEL4).

ASL includes an advanced RBAC system that is more powerful and easier to use than SELinux and we recommend you use that instead of SELinux. However, if you wish to use SELinux ASL will work fine with SELinux, however you may need to adjust your SELinux policies for your systems specific needs.

If you encounter any issues with rpm installations on your system, and you are not qualified to adjust your SELinux policies that came with your operating system, we recommend you disable SELinux and use the built in RBAC in ASL.

To disable SELinux set:


in the kernel boot parameters for your system.

setenable 0, setenforce 0 and disabling SELinux with sysctl are not effective. To disable selinux you must boot with selinux=0 set for your system.

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