WAF 330790

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Rule ID



Active rule currently published.

Alert Message

Apache Error: Invalid URI in Request


This rule reports when apache reports a critical error in a request. This rule does not cause this error, nor can disabling it prevent apache from reporting these errors and rejecting the request. This is just a reporting rule that occurs after apache itself has rejected the request.

The rule looks for errors from apache itself, which may indicate attacks or just invalid requests to the system. This rule runs at phase 5, which is a "post" phase that occurs after apache has taken whatever actions it may take (including serving the content, or rejecting a request for it). In most cases this means that apache has rejected the request as invalid to the client. A 400 Bad Request error is the most common, but other errors are also possible.

This rule exists to log this event for other parts of ASL to use to respond to this event, should it be at attack.

False Positives

False positives with this rule are not possible. The rule does not cause this event, nor will disabling it prevent apache from generating these errors. If this occurs, it means apache, and not mod_security, has generating an error with the request. You will want to discuss the actual apache error with your client, application developer, integrator and/or apache vendor. This is not a mod_security or ASL caused event.

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