ASL Configuration

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Revision as of 22:05, 20 June 2012 by Mshinn (Talk | contribs)

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ASL is configured to a secure set of defaults upon installation. Most users do not need to change these settings.


ASL Installation settings are documented on the ASL installation page, please see that page for installation configuration options.

Post Installation Configuration

You can access the ASL configuration settings by following this process:

Step 1) Log into the ASL GUI

Step 2) Click on the Configuration tab

Step 3) Select "ASL Configuration"

This will pull up all the ASL Configuration options, which are broken into classes and are documented below or links are provided to the specific documentation pages for those options.

Authentication Information

ASL Web Settings

In addition to the settings below, also, please see the ASL Web Settings page for documentation about configuring the ASL GUI itself.


Period alert data is considered to be live before being moved into an archive table. Once this limit is reached, ASL will move the events into the database archive table.

The format for this field is an integer follow by "days" "weeks" "months" or "years". For example, if you want to archive events after 3 months, you would change this field to:

3 months

The default is 7 days. After 7 days, events are archived.

This value is ignored if ASL_DB_ARCHIVE is set to "no" below.


ASL will store old data in monthly archive table if this is set to 'yes', or simply delete past retention data if it is set to 'no' once the ASL_DB_RETENTION period is reached for the data.

Data Paths

General Settings

Firewall Configuration

Please see the ASL firewall page for documentation on these settings.

Kernel configuration

ClamAV configuration

Also, see the anti virus page for important documentation about configuring the Real Time Antimalware system in ASL.

PSMON configuration

OSSEC configuration

Mod_security configuration

Please see the ASL WAF page for documentation on these settings.

PHP configuration

SSH daemon configuration

Rkhunter settings


Also, see the Mod evasive page for important documentation about configuring the DOS protection system for Apache.

Web App Inventory

Plesk Security Settings


Personal tools