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Latest revision as of 16:53, 12 August 2020

Rule 60158
Status Active
Alert Message Wordpress Login attempt failure


[edit] Description

This rule detects when a Wordpress login attempt has failed. The user has failed to provide valid authentication credentials. This may be a wrong password, username, credential, key, One Time Password or any other factor the system requires for successful login.

[edit] examples

Rule: 60158 (level 5) -> 'Wordpress Login attempt failure' Src IP: Src Location: US / Arizona [modsecurity] [client] [domain atomicorp.com] [200] [/apache/20200811/20200811-2031/20200811-203141-XzM4bErQTRAAAHm2LPYAAABQ] [file "/etc/httpd/modsecurity.d/12_asl_brute.conf"] [line "145"] [id "377305"] [rev "2"] [msg "Atomicorp.com WAF Rules - Login Failure Detection: WordPress Login Attempt Failure "] [severity "WARNING"] [tag "no_ar"] Warning. Pattern match "E(?:rror|RROR)\\: The password you entered for the username" at RESPONSE_BODY.

[edit] Troubleshooting

[edit] False Positives

There are no known false positives with this rule. If you believe this is a false positive, please report this to our security team to determine if this is a legitimate case, or if its clever attack on your system. Do not disable this rule.

Instructions to report false positives are detailed on the Reporting False Positives wiki page. If it is a false positive, we will fix the issue in the rules and get a release out to you promptly.

[edit] Additional Information

[edit] Similar Rules


[edit] Knowledge Base Articles


[edit] Outside References


[edit] Notes
