Downloading Rules

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The rules came in two forms

1) Real Time Rules

2) Delayed/Unsupported Rules (Discontinued)

Real Time/Supported Rules


If you have not already setup a subscription to the Real Time rules you can do so here:

Real Time Feed Signup


Once your account is setup, you can download the Real Time by following this process:

Automated Method

Full Management Suite

Install ASL.

ASL will automatically download and keep your rules up to date, and will ensure that modsecurity stays up to date so your system can support the latest rules. ASL also provides you with a full security management suite, which will allow you to manage, edit and configure your rules through a web console. It will also protect you from uploaded malware, brute force attacks, DOS attacks, rootkits and many other threats that a WAF can not protect you from.

A full list of ASLs features is available at the URL below:

Just a downloader

See "Atomic Update Manager" below.

Atomic Update Manager

We also provide an automated modsecurity installation, configuration, rule management and rule updater package called aum. You can read more about it on the aum page. You can install it by running these commands as root:

Pre Step 1)

Remove any modsecurity installation, rules and configuration from your system before installing aum.

Pre Step 2)

Install apache:


yum install httpd

service httpd start

systemctl enable httpd


apt-get install apache2

service apache2 start

systemctl enable apache2

Step 1) Install aum

wget -q -O - |bash

Step 2) Configure aum

aum configure

Step 3) Tell aum to install the rules

aum -u

You can read more about aum on the aum documentation page.

Note: This capability is included in ASL. ASL users do not need to install aum, its already included.

Do it Yourself Method

See the "Manually downloading rules" section below.

Manually downloading rules

Step 1) Download the file VERSION

This file will contain the following fields:


The MODSEC_VERSION field contains the latest version number for the modsecurity rules. This field will be used to find the latest rules file.

Step 2) Download the latest rule file


The VERSION file contains the current supported version number of that ruleset. For example, using the data above the current version of the realtime modsecurity rules that are supported is:


If you want to download that rule file, the format is:


For example, using the version information in that example, the latest modsecurity rules version would be:

Note: These are not valid version numbers but only examples. Please check the VERSION file for the current version of the real time rules.

Step 3) Lint your rules

Our rules are built to support the latest stable version of modsecurity. modsecurity changes regularly, including new capabilities, the retiring of old capabilities and changes in the rule language. It is therefore critical that you always use the latest stable version of modsecurity supported by our rules. That version is kept up to date at the URL below:

You will want to check to make sure the latest rules work with the version of modsecurity installed on your system. ASL does this automatically, if you are not using ASL you will need to make sure you have a method in place to do this for your DIY setup or a test environment.


Note: modsecurity with nginx (libmodsecurity 3.x) should be considered beta quality at best. This has nothing to do with the rules. The nginx port of modsecurity is missing features that exist in modsecurity 2.x. For example, the ability to decode certain types of attacks (base64, hex, etc.) meaning that if you are using 3.x you are vulnerable to any attack encoded in these formats. We do not recommend you use libmodsecurity at this time.

The VERSION file contains the current supported version number of that ruleset. For example, using the data above the current version of the realtime modsecurity rules that are supported is:


If you want to download that rule file, the format is:


For example, using the version information above the latest modsecurity rules version would be:

Note: These are not a valid version number. Please check the VERSION file for the current version of the real time rules.

We recommend you use ASL to keep your rules up to date. If you are a DIY customer, we recommend using a tool like wget or curl to download the rules.

Step 3) Lint your rules

Our rules are built to support the latest stable version of modsecurity. modsecurity changes regularly, including new capabilities, the retiring of old capabilities and changes in the rule language. It is therefore critical that you always use the latest stable version of modsecurity supported by our rules. That version is kept up to date at the URL below:

You will want to check to make sure the latest rules work with the version of modsecurity installed on your system. ASL does this automatically, if you are not using ASL you will need to make sure you have a method in place to do this for your DIY setup or a test environment.


The VERSION file contains the current supported version number of that ruleset. For example, using the data above the current version of the realtime modsecurity rules that are supported is:


If you want to download that rule file, the format is:


For example, using the version information above the latest modsecurity rules version would be:

Note: This is not a valid version number. Please check the VERSION file for the current version of the real time rules.

We recommend you use ASL to keep your rules up to date. If you are a DIY customer, we recommend using a tool like wget or curl to download the rules.

Step 3) Install with windows versions of the rules

Within the archive file is a sub directory "windows". This contains the version of the modsecurity rules that will work with IIS. (IIS does not support some of the functions in apache and nginx, and those rulesets are either removed or modified for this lack of funtionality in the IIS port of modsecurity)

Step 4) Lint your rules

Our rules are built to support the latest stable version of modsecurity. modsecurity changes regularly, including new capabilities, the retiring of old capabilities and changes in the rule language. It is therefore critical that you always use the latest stable version of modsecurity supported by our rules. That version is kept up to date at the URL below:

You will want to check to make sure the latest rules work with the version of modsecurity installed on your system. ASL does this automatically, if you are not using ASL you will need to make sure you have a method in place to do this for your DIY setup or a test environment.

Unsupported third party scripts

One of our customers has put together a script to keep your rules up to date, you can get this script from the URL below:

This script is not supported by Atomicorp, please direct any questions you may have regarding this script to the author.

If you require an automated solution that is supported by Atomicorp, please use ASL or aum.

Delayed/Unsupported/Free Rules

The Delayed/Unsupported/Free rules are no longer available.

Delayed/Unsupported Feed Download

If you want to try out the Real Time rules please sign up here.

Or if you want to try the full security suite, Atomic Secured Linux (ASL), on a trial basis, just sign up for a 10 day free trial here.


Please see the

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